Bronies @ Belgium Gebruiksvoorwaarden
Door het registreren en gebruik maken van deze website, gaat U akkoord met deze Gebruiksvoorwaarden en zal U deze volgen.
Wij proberen om deze website zo veilig mogelijk te maken voor U. Doch willen wij U er op wijzen dat wij niet aansprakelijk zijn voor enige vorm van schade die U zou leiden door het gebruik maken van deze website, of daartoe behorende applicaties.
U beloofd op eer en geweten dat U de site zal gebruiken waartoe ze dient. Dit wil zeggen, U zal geen hacks gebruiken, of fouten misbruiken om er voordeel uit te halen.
Door te registreren, bevestigd U, dat U oud genoeg bent om een account aan te maken volgens de wetgeving in jouw regio. In geval van twijfel, raadpleeg Uw ouder(s) of voogd.
Pesten, bedreigen of ander ongewenst gedrag tegen andere gebruikers word niet getolereerd.
In geval dat wij, Bronies @ Belgium, het nodig achten. Kunnen wij zonder mededeling, uw account blokkeren of aanpassen.
Door een account aan te maken, sta je cookies toe. Er word een cookie gebruikt als je je inlog win onthouden voor de volgende keer dat je de website bezoekt.
Links op deze site volg je op eigen risico.
Deze regels kunnen op ieder moment door ons, eenzijdig aangepast worden. Als je op gelijk welk ogenblik niet of niet meer akkoord bent met deze regels, dan mag je deze website niet gebruiken.
Donaties aan Bronies @ Belgium zijn niet terug betaalbaar.
Bronies @ Belgium is een feitelijke vereniging, en dus geen onderdeel van Hasbro, of My Little Pony. Wij zijn een fan vereniging.
Deze algemene voorwaarden worden beheert en gemaakt in overeenstemming met de Belgische wetgeving. U onderwerpt zich onherroepelijk aan de exclusieve jurisdictie van de rechtbanken in deze staat of locatie.
Deze voorwaarden kunnen aangepast worden, herlees ze dus zeker stipt! Nieuwe regels gaan van kracht 14 dagen nadat ze hier zijn aangepast. Indien je niet meer akkoord bent met de voorwaarden, mag U deze site, en alle diensten niet langer genbruiken.
De enige vormen van cookies die wij gebruiken zijn sessies, en een cookie in geval je wenst dat de site je later weer herkent. Beiden zijn ze voor het gebruiksgemak te verbeteren.
Uw e-mail adres, word enkel gebruikt voor: e-mail validatie, account herkenning als U Uw wachtwoord vergeet, het melden van belangrijke beveilinginslekkages, en, indien gewenst, het versturen van een nieuwsbriefje.
PMQ (Pony Master Quest)
Account termination
You may at any point request us to delete your account. Doing so will allow us to delete your account within 30 days after the request. If you wish to cancel this request, this has to be done within 24 hours of the innitial request. A terminated account can not be recoverd as it is "forgotten". If we deem it necesarry we can modify the account instead if we deem this necearry. We may also terminate or bann your account for any reason we see fit, even without notice.
Payments to third parties
You acknowledge that other payments or donations for the game (to a third party) is not refundable by us, nor are we obliged help you solve any issues that are a result of that.
Content posted by users
You represent and warrant that the User Content that you post or transmit will not:
* Infringe the copyright, trademark, database or other intellectual property rights of a third party. You represent and warrant that you own or have all necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to post or transmit the User Content on the Services and that the User Content does not violate any applicable laws, the Terms, or any third party’s right of privacy or publicity.
* Promote unauthorized sweepstakes or contest; and will not promote a lottery, or gambling of any type.
* Prevent or impede other users from finding information related to the game or Services.
* Facilitate or promote conduct that in the sole discretion of B@B involves illegal content, pornography, piracy, online pharmacies, illegal drugs, underage drinking, or socially irresponsible behavior due to alcohol or drug consumption (such as drinking and driving).
* Instruct users how to make bombs, weapons, drugs, illegal or illicit or dangerous items, or solicit involvement in behavior or organizations that are violent or illegal under applicable laws, including without limitation terrorist threats or activities .
In addition, you grant B@B a license to use content posted by you to promote and advertise your content, and understand that things posted publicly can be seen online (for example: a stream or advertisement).
Hacking and botting
Hacking and botting are prohibited! If you are found doing or even attempting to hack or bot, we may terminate your account immeadiatly. This includes promoting, and sharing information about hacking and/or botting.
Botting is any form of automated play. Tools that assist the disabled are allowed for sayd disabled users.
System abuse
If you are found spamming, harassing, or abusing one of our systems, we may terminate your account.
Payments made to us can be refunded within 15 days after purchase. You will need to be able to give back, or rather lose everything you have benefitted from. If parts of the service/product have been used and can no longer be 'lost' we can only pay you back for the amount we can get back from the service.
Bronies @ Belgium Terms and Conditions
By registering and using this website, you agree and are bound to these terms.
We do our very best to make this website as safe as possible, though we would like to note that we are not responsible for any form of damage you may suffer by using this website, or any applications associated by this website.
You promise to use the site for its intended purpose. This means, you will not use any hacks, nor create any hacks. You will also not use any errors or bugs to gain any advantage, neither a fair, or unfair advantage.
By registering, you admit that You are old enough to create an account in your region. In case of doubt, ask a parent, or legal guardian.
Bullying, threats or any other form of unwanted behavior against other users will not be tolerated.
In case we, Bronies @ Belgium, deem it necessary, we have the right to ban your account, or modify it, without notice.
By creating an account, you allow us to use Cookies.
You may follow links on this website at your own risk.
These terms may be changed at any moment by us. If at any point in time, you do no longer agree to them, then you may no longer use this website.
Donations to Bronies @ Belgium are not refundable.
Bronies @ Belgium is a small union, and thus not a part of Hasbro, or My Little Pony. We are a fan group.
These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Belgium and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that State or location.
These terms and conditions can be modified at any time. Reread them regularly. New rules apply 14 days after they have been placed here. If you do no longer agree with the terms and conditions, then you may no longer use this site and all services we offer.
The only cookies we use are sessions, and a cookie that remembers you when you revisit the site. Both are used to increase your user experience.
Your e-mail address, will only be used for: e-mail validation, account recognition in case of a forgotten password, notifying you in case of a major security leak, and, if wanted, to send you our newsletter.
PMQ (Pony Master Quest)
Account termination
You may at any point request us to delete your account. Doing so will allow us to delete your account within 30 days after the request. If you wish to cancel this request, this has to be done within 24 hours of the innitial request. A terminated account can not be recoverd as it is "forgotten". If we deem it necesarry we can modify the account instead if we deem this necearry. We may also terminate or bann your account for any reason we see fit, even without notice.
Payments to third parties
You acknowledge that other payments or donations for the game (to a third party) is not refundable by us, nor are we obliged help you solve any issues that are a result of that.
Content posted by users
You represent and warrant that the User Content that you post or transmit will not:
* Infringe the copyright, trademark, database or other intellectual property rights of a third party. You represent and warrant that you own or have all necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to post or transmit the User Content on the Services and that the User Content does not violate any applicable laws, the Terms, or any third party’s right of privacy or publicity.
* Promote unauthorized sweepstakes or contest; and will not promote a lottery, or gambling of any type.
* Prevent or impede other users from finding information related to the game or Services.
* Facilitate or promote conduct that in the sole discretion of B@B involves illegal content, pornography, piracy, online pharmacies, illegal drugs, underage drinking, or socially irresponsible behavior due to alcohol or drug consumption (such as drinking and driving).
* Instruct users how to make bombs, weapons, drugs, illegal or illicit or dangerous items, or solicit involvement in behavior or organizations that are violent or illegal under applicable laws, including without limitation terrorist threats or activities .
In addition, you grant B@B a license to use content posted by you to promote and advertise your content, and understand that things posted publicly can be seen online (for example: a stream or advertisement).
Hacking and botting
Hacking and botting are prohibited! If you are found doing or even attempting to hack or bot, we may terminate your account immeadiatly. This includes promoting, and sharing information about hacking and/or botting.
Botting is any form of automated play. Tools that assist the disabled are allowed for sayd disabled users.
System abuse
If you are found spamming, harassing, or abusing one of our systems, we may terminate your account.
Payments made to us can be refunded within 15 days after purchase. You will need to be able to give back, or rather lose everything you have benefitted from. If parts of the service/product have been used and can no longer be 'lost' we can only pay you back for the amount we can get back from the service.